Sunday, May 29, 2011
I Need You Greeting Cards, I Need You My Love
Love between couples is always very coze, caring, understanding and passionate when they feel each other's need all the time. The true love always need his/her lover near and close to heart. Send these 'I Need You' Greeting cards to share your love feelings with your love of life. Say it with a rose and lovely written quote card to make added impression over dear valentine.

I Need You Greeting Cards, I Need You My Love
Love Letter Cards, A Special Love Letter
Write your heart feelings and emotions in a paper and present it to the special person you love and would like to make your partner for life. Love letter is one of the romantic part of couples life when they innocently put their thoughts and sentiments with a beautiful lines of poetry and quotes. You can explore some of these love letter cards to have view of how beautifully to write and gift to your dear valentine with some strong valentines day phrases.

Love Letter Cards, A Special Love Letter
I Miss You Cards, Missing You Greeting Cards
We always miss the company, love and warm togetherness whenever our lover or life partner is away from us and the memories of our love recalls in mind and we feel to meet him/her soon. So, explore these I miss you cards and ecardsto send them instantly and express your feelings of missing him/her a lot.

I Miss You Cards, Missing You Greeting Cards
Free Beautiful Love Cards, Beautiful Love Greeting Cards
famous sad love quotes
famous sad love quotes
Its almost like were this big wall,
and we break eachother down to see whos stronger.
whos tough enough to take the break.
and thats not a real relationship
by overandover
Why should i try
why should i care
no matter how strong my feelings are
i always end up, hurting you
by overandover
I hate you but I love you, I don't want you but I need you.
by WakingFreedom
&. I fell for this boy who spoke words I'd longed to hear, for a time I knew he fell for me, but he's not any normal boy.. we can never be.
by CareBear
The trust in me is breaking, my heart is slowly aching for a better you to come.
So you could treat me the way I always knew would.
by lillie
Fools Like Me Love Blindly <3
by lillie
I can experience heart breake or get knocked around, but ill never fall to the ground.
by dreamer
I wish letting go is as easy as how you say it..
by yourExactbrandofHeroine
& the truth to her lies,
where in his eyes
by SexyEmoChick
You always said you hate to see me hurt,
and you hate to see me cry,
so all those times that you hurt me,
did you just close your eyes?!
by rollthedice
In another time or place,
Could we have our chance?
In our dreams could we be,
Or our those words the most we'll ever speak?
by CareBear
Losing sleep after your confession,
To know how you felt,
Wishing I could be all you need me to be,
The same way you wish you could be all that to me.
by CareBear
& some things are better left unsaid,
Like the way you make my heart skip a beat,
The way it's only you I want to be around,
Or the fact you wish you could give me all I want
But you can't, best friend
by CareBear
You can't break somethings thats already broken
You can't break a broken heart
He doesn't love me,
His eyes betrayed his everything..
But even so,
My Heart was still claimed away..
by May
You always call on me
When you are going through the loved sites
As you can always count on me to make you feel alright
manage to make you laugh
know how to make you smile
being together feel so alright
but you won't be there
why you so afraid
I wanna be the pretties wreak you'll ever see.
I'll be so dangerously broken,
It'll make you curious enough to walk up to me,
and greet me with a tender smile.
by Samie
Ii Think ii Found Myself Today _ ii Even Watched Me Walk Away _ && In My Hand ii Held Gold _ ii Held Your Heart, Broken && Cold.
by FindingHarmonyInYurCries (
I don't know what is wrong,you left me hangin.and it hurts like hell.
by yourExactbrandofHeroine
It hurts when I see you talking to other people and you can't talk to me. Like I know you have somethin to tell me,Baby what holds you back?
by yourExactbrandofHeroine
What can I say, what can I do, this is who I am and I'm losing you.
by overandover
I miss you much much everyday
and I can't stop :/
by yourExactbrandofHeroine
I love you and you just don't care,even a little??
stop lying to yourself..
by yourExactbrandofHeroine
You can die with a broken heart :/
by yourExactbrandofHeroine
When you told me I meant nothing to you
At first I was hurt and confused.
But then suddenly I was free
And relieved that I didn't have to live this lie any longer
by Tank
Be my escape<3
by kla
Theres gonna be up's and down's but with you to wrap my arms around,ill be just fine!
by kla
Im bored of your love,
bored of your face,
bored of your random all over the place,attitude.
im bored of you!
by kla
Im up to my neck in the mess and im sorry,ill remember your love,remember your face,when its over and done with it wont quite be the same
by kla
P.s. you were nothing but a LETDOWN.
by Decaying In Oceans Of Depression
For once, I wish something between us would just happen, good or bad. I wish you had something to tell me; if I should keep holding on or just let go.
by Rachel
Its funny how you say I threw us away.
How it's my fault we won't be together.
I won't take the fall for this.
If you had done it right we wouldn't be here.
If you had been faithful i wouldnt have found the guy you failed to be
by Tank
I would never ever say how much I really needed you to stay with me. I would never ever say how much it really hurts to stop myself, and just let you walk
away. Truly, I've never been able to deal with people leaving me for whatever reason.
by eRNie
I'm kinda used to being left and hurt.
by eRNie
You could tell me you love me, but I'm no longer listening.
by Goob
See how you flood my mind until now,you shouldn't have lock your lips n eyes wit mine.Now i'm stuck again.
by yourExactbrandofHeroine
I can't even describe the feeling I get
when I see you. It's like my heart is on overdrive
and my stomach is filled with butterflies.
And I'm trying so hard to keep my cool.
Even though it happens all the time,
it never gets old.
by Hayleeh
I was with you,funny how you hugged me like before,never ending and sweet.so why we can't be together??
by yourExactbrandofHeroine
Sometimes apologies don't mean a thing, like at four in the morning when you're in bed sleeping. You don't need a phone conversation to wake you up, to bring
you down. Because when it's over, we both know.
by modern day barbie
You're the kind of guy who could slit my throat, and with my last breath, I'd apologize for getting blood on your shirt. . .
by Captivat3d
When she speaks it makes me grind my teeth,but some how he still thinks shes amazing
by kla
Hes like an addiction,a drug,not the good kind,the kind that makes your grades go down,makes you cryin public,and makes you a permante mess!
by kla
I went 3 years being so in love with you i stopped posting poems and quotes because i couldnt describe the love i felt
now here i am remembering why i didnt want to love you to start with because you ould never love me back
by justice
I told you i would never break your heart but you went on and broke it yourself using me while your out looking for a bigger better deal
by justice
I wont let go of myself
Just because I'm not good enough
For someone like you.
by Lettredufront
I hope someday he will realise
I was a little more
than just the girl next door.
by Lettredufront
Even though I hope God makes sure
I can spend my life forever with you.
Sometimes surcomstances make me wish
I was never born at all.
by Lettredufront
I replicate everything about her, face, eyes, body, but she will never be the same, this imitation will never fill the empty space i had for her, but could
you blame me for trying
by Marcus blake
I saw him standing there, heart on his sleeve and tears in his eyes. He came to me, his best friend and said he was fine. I who watched her cheat, would be
his shoulder. I who loved him so deeply, would stay invisible, his best friend.
by theory of the loser
Supposed to get over it, was just a stupid crush
But I've completely fallen
And you just sat there and watched
Take my friends, take my life,
I don't care anymore,
Because you can't take the one thing you want,
by CareBear
I will trust you with my life before I ever trust you with my heart
by megan
I knew it was a lie
but i always found a way to believe you
silly me
now im left picking up the pecies of my heart
by shatteringXxHeart
Shame on me
i actually thought i could change you
by shatteringXxHeart
I told you I was having trouble sleeping. What I didn't say was that you were the reason why.
by Genevieve
It's not you that I miss, but the person I once believe you were.
I wait for the days when I will forget who you are.
When the taste of your name sounds old && worn.
I wait for the days when I won't remember why I needed you so bad.
by Amanda Ghosties
I wish my head wouldn't clash with my heart.
by Allanah Asphyxia
&. I hate it when I predict exactly the way you'll react,
Because it reminds me after all these years,
There's still a glimpse of the boy I fell in love with,
Somewhere under the mask of insecurity, covered by popularity.
by CareBear
You're a million miles away,
Across oceans & land..
Though it seems it's been this way for too long,
I miss you more now then ever before.
by CareBear
And if you knew the truth you wouldn't like me let alone love me
by ImTheGirl
Do you hate me? I mean seriously you wouldn't be doing this to me if you didn't. You wouldn't be breaking my heart over and over. You wouldn't be leaving me
everytime we get close. And most importantly you wouldn't be here with her.
by Jeni
How can I decide what's right, when you're clouding up my mind. Some times I feel like I'm wasting my time.
by Jennnnnnnaaa
Guess its true you never know what you have till its gone cause now that you left boy o boy do i want you back=/
by phenomenal no matter dey what sa
People were created to be loved, things were created to be used; the reason why the world is in chaos right now is because things are being loved, and people
are being used.
by Captivat3d
Once Again
Once again you were there for me
To love and care for me
Once again we say goodbye
But then we come back to saying hi
Once again you say you'll be back
But that didn't turn out to be a fact
love you daddy
by A Phine To Sour Skittles
Unbreak My Heart.
by Love Bug
I wasnt able to sleep lastnight.stop thinking about me please,we're so done..:|
by yourExactbrandofHeroine
You said you liked me but didn't want to ruin our friendship
so then what made you risk it all for her ?
My heart didn't break,
it got played with, ripped out, thrown around,
spat on, beaten, and shoved back in my chest.
But it didn't break,
Cause I'm not dead.
by Claudd
Like an emergency exit door,
you leave me for her again and my heart will scream so much, that
everyone will know what you did.
by Claudd
"I can find a girl who loves the way i treat her" he says, good luck finding someone as stupid as me a $ $ hole
by Lindsey
When you told me that you thought of other women when we made love and it didn't bother me, I should have ended it there
by Lindsey
It hurts how'd you forget that I was laying in your arms lastnight.:(..you'd jus leave like nothing happened:(
by yourExactbrandofHeroine
Sometimes your words cut deeper than any knife could
by Lindsey
I held a picture of you close to my chest, so you'd know you were still in my heart..
I wrote your name on a bullet, so you'd know you were always in my head..
by Cedric
You broke my heart, I'm taking it back from you.
And taking back the life I gave to you.
Life goes on before and after you.
I've got some growing up to do.
by kla
The hardest part was getting this close to you
and giving up this dream I built with you.
A fairy tale that isn't coming true.
You've got some growing up to do.
by kla
The saddest thing is you could be anything, that you could want.
We could've been everything, but now we're not.
Now it's not anything at all.
by kla
From now on she's living her life for her. She'd like you to be a part of it, but she'll do just fine without you.
by kla
Why am i keep on dreaming about you?.
i thot i moved on,guess not.;i
by yourExactbrandofHeroine
You can't move on until you let go..
by yourExactbrandofHeroine
To you, I might be just a friend
but o baby, my feelings for you are something that
I can not pretend
by Rachel
I'm stretching but you're just out of reach
by Rachel
Men are innate thieves; they have no problem stealing your heart, they simply forgot that they aren�t supposed to break it.
by Silently Screaming
You played the game well. You made me believe all your stories, and trust all your lies. Congratulations player you got another girl to fall for you before
vanishing once again. Are you proud of yourself?
by melissa nordmeyer
Suffer and feel the pain i do. And the day you realize how much i love you, will be the day you have to realize that i dont belong to you and you no longer
belong to me, you took to long.
by xXxMy Isanity My EscapexXx
How could you say you don't love me when you remember everything that we had?
by yourExactbrandofHeroine
So tell me how does my bestfriend taste-like?
by yourExactbrandofHeroine
"Are you seriously going to sit here and ask me if I'm okay?
After ignoring me all week, ripping my heart out, throwing it on the ground,
and repeatedly stomping on it? Yeah a-shole, I'm great."
by Rachel
The worst isnt when your in love with someone who doesnt love you back.
The worst is when you are in love with someone who used to be in love with you.
by Rachel
A fight was all she needed to give her a reason,
she slammed the door with no goodbye.
by Rachel
And you are just a mark on the map of my past.
by Rachel
Out of all the lies I have heard,
"I love you." was my favorite,
and "I miss you" was second best.
by Rachel
I want to love someone whose heart has been broken,
so that he knows exactly how it feels and won't break mine.
by Rachel
Unlike you, i meant every single
word that came out of my mouth.
by Rachel
I'm the only one left who ever gave a damn about you.
by Rachel
One day we'll look back on this,
laugh nervously, and quickly change the subject.
by Rachel
I'm sure there must have been a time when you did not consume my mind, but i swear, i don't remember.
by Rachel
There's one thing everybody wants to feel.
To be loved without begging for it.
by Rachel
I saw him staring at me.
Not glancing, but blatantly staring.
And I wondered if he was staring
At the wreckage he created
Or if maybe, just maybe
He regretted for hurting me in the first place.
by Rachel
I was the one who said things changed,
But you were the one who showed me
exactly how much they really did.
by Rachel
If I stop lying,
I'll just disappoint you.
by Rachel
He wants her and he knows it;
but the problem with love is,
he never shows it.
by Rachel
& he asked her do you love me?? & she replied I do!! & I have also learned to love you when we broke up..when you went out with her..when you broke my heart
the other 3 times & even now!!
by m
I realize that I waited too long.
You have moved on.
But I thought you should know...
It was always you that I wanted.
I was just too afraid that if I fell...
you wouldn't catch me.
by emily
Hiding my self behind my wall. for to many times have i been left to fall. I rather be alone, & face my fear,rather then haveing my heart vandalized.
by Samie
And I know that I'm over him because I'm not afraid of losing him
by ImTheGirl
And we jsut need to except the fact some people just stay in our hearts forever even if they dont stay in our lives!
by kla
It's not a big big thing if you leave me,
But I do do feel
That I do do will miss you much,
miss you much...
by Lettredufront
Letting go seems so terrefying
Cuz you never know if you'll get out
Stronger, ... or weaker.
by Lettredufront
Wished that I could move on
But I can't, it's too strong.
by Lettredufront
Wished that I could move on
But I can't, it's too strong.
by Lettredufront
When it comes to love, you're just as blinded as me.
by Lettredufront
Some nights, alone, he thinks of her.
And some nights, alone, she thinks of him.
Some nights these thoughts, separated by miles and time zones,
occur at the same objective moment,
and they are connected without ever knowing it.
by kla
Nothing is left of you. Everything has changed, and I miss the person you used to be.
by kla
You never get over it,
but you get to where it
doesnt bother you so much.
by kla
We were just to kids,going in different directions<3
by kla
Its almost the anniversary of when you decided I wasnt good enough.
by kla
"It occured to me that we're growing up. He's not the same boy that made my stomach do flips, and in a way, that breaks my heart. But I'm not the same girl
that smiled through the tears, either, and I know that breaks his heart, too."
by kla
Remember? I was there when we promised forever. And now I'm still here, after you've broken it.
by kla
I've decided I deserve the truth. I may have done some horrible things in my lifetime, but so have you. And I just think that if I give you honesty, you can
give me some too.
by kla
I've decided I deserve the truth. I may have done some horrible things in my lifetime, but so have you. And I just think that if I give you honesty, you can
give me some too.
by kla
I can�t say I ever really got over it all. I mean I�ve moved on, I�ve tried being the same as I used to be, but I�ve changed. I can�t explain it; I
just know it all leads back to you
by kla
And we always have the night and you never try to hold my hand in the morning..it's heart breaking
The longest and most painful kind of love, is unrequited love.
by xX the left behind Xx
Sometimes it's hard to comprehend what goes on in your head,
The more I think about it I just end up reaching a dead end.
Maybe it would be better just to not feel something,
And in the darkness old wounds may begin to heal...
by Ash
You took for granted all the times I never let you down.
by modern*day*barbie
You & i will ALWAYS be unfinished business
by kla
I won't forget the times that we had. i'm wishing that you weren't a part of my past.
by kla
When this is said and done, i hope you look back and wonder if maybe falling in love with me wasn't such a bad idea after all.
by kla
Love is like a backwards Sour Patch Kid...First it's sweet,than it's sour.
by TheOriginalStupidGirl
I'm tired of picking up all the broken pieces, im just gonna leave its trail and wait for someone who really cares to pick them up and give me back my heart
whole again.
by RiAnne
It hurts to know that im not the one for you anymore
but what hurts the most is how much i miss you and how now shes your life. :'(
by Candy
Give him a choice you'll always lose
He'll pick the one who didn't make him choose
You've got a lot to learn of love little girl
you may be his "right now" but she'll always be his "world"
by Jessica
Your angry at me for that? That's cool, just let me know when you grow up.
by Captivat3d
You want me to tell you the truth ? I'll tell you the truth, but don't get angry if it's not what you wanted to hear.
by EveryGirlYouKnow
And I think its going to be hard for you to convince me that I need you when I've gone this long without you
by ImTheGirl
Sabes que tu fuiste mi primer cancion la persona que entendio mi corazon y ahora tengo que decirte adios...
by xTeAmoMonkeyx
He knows the real me. The me that prefers to stay home on weekends to play Nintendo and eat ice cream and pizza. The me that runs around in shorts and a t-
shirt and my hair a mess but he actually likes the real me.
by kla
They say time heals and makes us forget but what we shared will never be erased
by kla
"See there's this place in me where your fingerprints still rest, your kisses still linger, and your whispers softly echo. It's the place where a part of you
will forever be a part of me."
by kla
We all hang onto summat we know were better off letting go. It's like we're scared to lose what we don't really have. Some of us say wed rather have that
summat, than not at all, but the truth is, tohave it halfway, is harder than not having it at all.
by DamagedGoods
Maybe its about taking a deep
breath and forgiving yourself
for yesterday's mistakes.
by DamagedGoods
There's a certain kind
of pain that can numb you.
There's a type of freedom that
can tie you down. Sometimes
the unexplained can define
you and sometimes the
silence is the only sound.
You were something worth
tripping over. I just didn't
know I would fall this hard.
by DamagedGoods
I've been thinking a lot lately, about taking chances and how its really just about overcoming your fears because the truth is, everytime you take a big risk
in your life, no matter how it ends up, you're always gladthat you took it.
by DamagedGoods
Sometimes you need to put
the past behind, the saddest aside.
You need to forget everything you
ever felt..your feelings, your thoughts,
everything that was ever there.
Cause you can't get hurt if you
don't even care.
by DamagedGoods
Took me long enough, but ive finally realised
that all i am to you is a back up plan, and on that note my darling it ends.
by DamagedGoods
Come take me home
unchain my soul
you can break my heart
if it means that you would never be alone
come take me home...
by lostgirl
We run aimlessly with love in our hearts
by megan
All I said was that you changed me, I never said for the better....
by FinalXBreathX
You're missing every single parts of my existence..
by Cedric
It's never easy saying goodbye, but it's twice as hard to let go.
by ariana
I guess i will never understand how people can use the word "love" so easily .. and forget when they used it so quick.
by BeeMilxByuel
One finger up & I'm out . Cause you ain't worth two .
by DreAM BiG
"Where are all the knights in shining armor? All I'm finding are losers in aluminum!"-anonymous.
"You asked me what was wrong, I smiled and said nothing, when you turned around and a tear came down and I whispered to myself... everything is"
by BrokenWingAng3L
Its nice to know you were there
thanks for acting like you cared
and making me feel like i was the only one
its nice to know we had it all
thanks for watching as i fall
and letting me know we were done
by kla
"So many times I've loved you, more than myself. It's time to take that love and put it on the shelf."
by kla
..i wish heartbreak was as painless as getting a haircut..you don't feel a thing but when it's over, it's a new you..
by Mylah Malana
..at one point in our life, the greatest person we have ever love can turn out to be the greatest stranger we have ever met..so sad but so true according to
by Mylah Malana
How quick is it to have your heart broken smash and shattered. Shock took over me,
I didn't shed a tear just looked up at you and wish you'd disappear...
I confess my love for you every single day
Protest it to the world to prove its for real
i told you i mean it and you said you mean it too
but why didn't you fight for me when i was leaving you ?
Its like you cast a spell upon me
So deeply in love
then you said you didn't care
and spell was undone.
I'm so sick and tired,Of crying over someone who isn't crying over me
by Alison milliron
But you promised her next time you'd show restraint
you don't get another chance.
Life is no nintendo game, but you lied again
Now you get to watch her leave out the window
Guess that's why they call it window pane
by Angel Of Death
Just gonna stand there and watch me burn,
that's alright because I like the way it hurts.
Just gonna stand there and hear me cry,
that's ok because I love the way you lie
by Angel Of Death
I wish that I could burn your every memory,
Walk away and save myself from this torture and agony.
I wish that you would open your eyes and see,
That I'm so in love with you but all you do is treat me so badly...
by Ash
Sometimes I would rather just sleep, then be awake, because in my dreams, you'll always be..
by Cedric
All my life Ive stood on this edge, the edge were ive been pushed to my very limits. But now Im jumpin off
by Amandaa25
Just to clarify, you walked out on someone great, someone who coulda changed your life
by Amandaa25
Love and pain seem to play on the same side
by Amandaa25
You were my light that guided the way
You were my voice when I had nothing to say
You walked away and left me in the dark
With nothing to say, just a brokenheart
by 99lostinlove33
Time flies by, I moved on
but for my lost love, my heart beats on
by 99lostinlove33
You didnt love me.
you dont destroy the people you love.
by kla
Every place brought back a memory,of a kiss or a smile that you gave me.
things changed,well i guess more and more i miss you less and less!
by kla
I don't know how to describe the feeling except that it kinda feels like some took a knife, cut out my heart, and threw it away;
and now my chest won't stop hurting.
by MusicInspiresMe
We were attached by the hip,
now its like im a tumor your removing!
by kla
Through your Actions you Show me
Through your Words you Tell me
but you could never truly admit you love me
because of her...
And even if you never know it, i will still love you unconditionally
by erika
I don't love you, I swear that it's truth,
I don't need you like I did back then,
I'll look you in the eyes & promise,
Though every word, you should know, are lies.
by CareBear
&. I asked you to walk away,
Knowing full well I'd miss you,
Because I'll love you forever,
My heart just has no where left to break.
by CareBear
"Till death seperates us", is what you said.
Isn't that a reason enough to kill you?
by Lettredufront
You wanted total control. Now you have it.
by Alison milliron
who has lost a loved one..i know the feelings myself and words just don't do much to ease the pain..:'(
by Mylah Malana
..one disadvantage of having a good memory is whenever you feel lonely, sad and broken, happy memories tend to creep in making you miss the person you had
good memories with..:(
by Mylah Malana
Im not sure what is worse. Forgetting your loves smell, or not wanting to forget the person you hates smell.
by Annie
& she sat there, with tears in her eyes and water down her cheeks waiting for him to say something .. anything.
by BeeMilxByuel
Once the chain of trust is broken
its no use repairing back
S[he] be[lie]ve[d].
by Decaying In Oceans Of Depression
To me, you were just the same.
Like all of the others, accusing the leader of inflicting all the pain that you've been feeling.
But I'd wait to find any tears of mine.
by MusicInspiresMe
I'll let you stand on your own again, while you're playing the victim.
by MusicInspiresMe
Love is like backwards.
[ sour patch kids - ]
first it's sweet then it's sour.
by kla
I still remember the moment I
looked in your eyes, for the last time.
that one little memory still has the
right amount of love to make me cry.
by kla
It's tough when someone special
starts to ignore you, it's even tougher
to pretend that you don't mind.
by kla
My eyeliner is smudging, my
mascara down my face, the
condition you let me get in,
i swore i would never be like this.
by kla
Missing someone gets easier everyday
because even though you are one day further from the last time you saw them, you are one day closer to the next time you will.
by kla
she's done and make it look like a whole new canvas again.
by RiAnne
The break of ones hard is the hardest break to mend
by skye
The last thing I remember about you,
Is your back walking away from me...
You were never mine,
I wonder why.
I thought being friends is just enough,
But emotions stir after years,
I think I'm falling for you all over again..
by May
You're just like a lousy Clown,
Behind your mask and make up of Smiles and Laughter,
I can still see your crying heart clearly beyond those Betraying eyes...
by May
...I don't even remember the sound of your voice anymore, just words you muttered to me at one point in time. So many words, so full of nothing.
by kla
Your memory is in the back of my full, overworked brain, it still has not left me.
by kla
We've become strangers. strangers with a past. And even though there are times I miss you, well, I can promise you that you will never see me again.
by kla
After a long year of fighting with each other and somewhat loving each other, we truely just didn't belong together. I know a part of you loved me, and you
know that I always loved you.
by kla
There were days, weeks, where all I did was sit around and pray that you would magically show up at my door and we would start over
by kla
Life without you DOES exsist, even though for so long I believed there was no such thing. I no longer wonder what could've been with us, the little concept
of "us" there was.
by kla
Once upon a time I thought I was in love but my happily ever after never came.
by MalevolentMurderousMoron
I souldnt even started
Knowing that love would drive me crazy and frustated
by Md Farid joe
..my biggest fear was losing you..when the day of losing your love came to existence, i also lose my heart even my life..since then i never felt how it feels
to be complete and i wonder if i can ever be whole again, if i can ever be complete again..
by Mylah Malana
..no matter how crazy and funny the scenes around me, it is always useless without the person i want to laugh with... YOU.. i miss you!. :(
by Mylah Malana
I know you must hear this alot
But when I say it I hope you know
I mean every three words
I love you that will never change
by A Phine To Sour Skittles
Well, I know I make you cry and I know sometimes you wanna die. But do you really feel alive without me? If so, be free.
by modern*day*barbie
I don't want to see you anymore, I'm just not that strong.
I love it when you're here, but I'm better when you're gone.
The lost feeling
creeps back in
wanting to make me remember
that once forgotten emotion
by ceci18
As i lay here
without thought
you start to wonder
into my mind
making me miss you
as each day goes by
not knowing how to deal with this
unchanging feeling
by ceci18
Im a pretty girl
with no personality
but i know better
your not really interested in me
by CrossMyHeartAndHopeToDie
Few are those who think with their own minds and feel with their own hearts
--Einstein said that..he knew more than numbers
by CrossMyHeartAndHopeToDie
Sometimes I wonder if having been hurt by you continuously has made me addicted to suffering...it's as though I can't live without it anymore.
by Snowdrop
You keep telling me to be glad for what we had while we had it.
That the brightest flame burns quickest. Which means you saw us as a candle. & I saw us as the sun
by kla
It doesnt mean forgetting,it means moving on!
by kla
The two hardest things to say in life hello for the first time and goodbye for the last.
by kla
Anyone can make you smile or cry, but it takes someone special
to make you smile when you already have tears in your eyes
I hate how you sit there and act like you know me.
Lets get this straight.. you used to know me. You remember
what happened with that situation? The girl you
used to know, she left. Just like you did.
by kla
It doesn't make sense to let go of something you had for so long, but it also doesn't make sense to hold on when nothing's there.
by kla
Sometimes she thinks shes strong. Sometimes she thinks shes gone,
past the point of feeling anything at all. Sometimes shes sure shes crazy.
Sometimes she feels like maybe the only way to survive is to stay angry.
If you walk away ,ill walk away.
but tell me first which road to take,cause i dont want to risk our paths crossing one day!
by kla
And now I hear you found somebody new
And that I never meant that much to you
To hear that tears me up inside
And to see you cuts me like a knife.
by kla
No, it`s not "whatever." We have a relationship worth fighting for,. Even though we`ve fought maybe even more than we`ve laughed lately, I can`t just give up
on this. I can`t pretend like you never made a difference in my life
by kla
It's hard to get over people, I mean really get over them.
You can start to have feelings for other people,
but it doesn't mean you're over them.
It just means you're moving on
by kla
And the best feeling in the world is realizing your perfectly
happy without the thing you thought you needed the most.
by kla
She walks down the hall with her head held high.
but really last night she had to tell him goodbye.
He knows, she knows, but no one else can tell that really inside,
her world is crashing down
Sometimes you don't want to know the truth.
You may think you do, but once you know,
you'd give just about anything
to go back to being ignorant.
by kla
And I hope you find it
What your looking for
And I hope it's everything you'd
Dream your life would be so much more.
Because we expect each other to always be the people in that picture.
But people change. People aren't pictures.
And you can either take a new picture, or throw the old one away.
by kla
She'll chase you around for a while,
but there's gonna be a day when she's gonna stop running in circles around you,
she's gonna get over you, and at that moment, you'll wish you had let her catch you.
by kla
Go ahead, give him a second chance.
Let him break your heart yet again.
Maybe it'll hurt less this time.
Then again maybe it won't
by kla
Sometimes we expect more from
others because we would be
willing to do the same for them
I miss YOU missing ME ...
by Su
Memory is a way of holding on to the things you love, the things you are, the things you never want to lose.
by kla
Guess what I'm trying to say is that you are there, in everything I am, in everything I've ever done, and looking back, I know that I should have told you
how much you've always meant to me
by kla
& in the end people always turn out to be who they PROMISED they wouldnt be
by Yoselyn
I smile :) and act like nothing is wrong.. its called putting shit aside and acting strong
by Yoselyn
Some people are meant to be in your life forever and some are just meant to pass thru. never regret anyone that come into your life no matter what happens
just take it as a lifes lesson well learned
by Yoselyn
Dont get mad when a girl cares to much worry when she starts not to give a F**k
by Yoselyn
&& the worst feeling in the world is not being able to be with the one you love. then having to pretend you don't care...
by Yoselyn
Promises are always meant to be broken, so choose the promises you will believe in...
Nothing hurts more than to be friends with someone,
Knowing you are both in love with each other,
&& yet not being able to be together.
by Teenage Romance
Dear brain,
Sorry for overloading you with thoughts of him.
Dear tummy,
Sorry for all the butterflies.
Dear pillow,
Sorry for all the tears.
Dear heart,
Sorry for all the damage.
by Teenage Romance
My Dear Knight,
When will you come save me from my mind?
by heartless
You [w e r e] the only exception...
by XxBrokenInsidexX
I feel like telling you everything
talking until my words aren't a part of me anymore,
they are a part of the air
and suddenly they are not my problem
and I am free
by kla
You change for two reasons;
either you learn enough that you want to,
or you've been hurt enough that you have to
by kla
Someday someone is gonna thank you for letting me go<3
by kla
Then my imagination breaks away from all my self control & I imagine you & I together, just like always.
by kla
I guess by now I should know enough about loss to realize that you never really stop missing someone, you just learn to live around the huge gaping hole of
their absence.
by kla
It's funny how when someone says they love you,
you can't really feel it. But when they say they
don't love you anymore, you can feel every ounce
of what was drained out of your being
by kla
I dont have a fear of commitment,
i have a fear of abandonment
by kla
People say that the bad memories cause the most pain.
But actually its the good ones that drive you insane.
by kla
Its hard to knwo you shouldnt hold on,
but your too in love to let go
by kla
You seem like the type to love 'em and leave 'em.
by kla
Love is like standing in wet cement the longer you stay the harder it
is to leave & you can never let go without leaving footprints behind
by kla
Someone asked me if I knew you, a million memories flashed through my mind and I whispered, not anymore.
by kla
This is to those nights where you just can't sleep because every word they said to you replays, over and over.
by kla
I think that the only reason why people hold onto
memories so tight, for so long is cause memories
are the only things that don�t change when everything else does
by kla
Some times the hardest things to leave behind
are the the things you never had in the first place.
by kla
Every single girl has this boy and every single girl will remember him forever - he's not the one for us, but he'll always be somewhere in our hearts.
He goes left and you stay right<3
by kla
Learn from your past and move on, grow stronger. people are
fake, but let your trust last longer. do what you got to do, but
always stay true, and never let anyone get the best of you.
by kla
I gave you all my love and just about all that I could give, you told me that you loved me well b.tch i beg to differ
By kala
Does she look at you the way i do,
try to understand the words you say and the way you move.
does she get the same big rush,
when your going in for a hug and your cheeks brush?
by kala
Pictures of you,
pictures of me,
remind us all of what we used to be!
by kala
And i know that theres no one to blame its a sure given shame of my own that you dont remeber!
by kla
Im a wreck and i know it,and i tend to let it show every chance that i get
by kla
But ive grown too strong to ever fall back into your arms.
by kla
Your gonna catch a cold,
from all the ice inside your soul!
by kla
Who do you think you are,
running around leaving scars,collecting your jar of hearts and tearing love apart
by kla
I will always carry you in my heart
youll always be my shootnig star.
autumn days will fade away,but memoires will always stay the same,im hoping you will never change.
by kla
Love so strong,then you moved on.
now im hung up in suspense cause
your bringing me in then kicking me out again!
by kla
You're love drunk you're blinded you've lost the ones who loved you most
this liar's on fire
melted like wax a mess it grows
and you're the one that chose
and that's just how Karma goes
by kla
Broken hearts are fatal, but i shall never die because my plastic heart cannot love.
by Gabriel Antonio White
"She gets what she wants
And she breaks what she gets
Get out while you can
Or she'll tear you to pieces"
All Time Low.
by sexyCheckers
Somewhere along the way,
Happiness and Innocence packed their bags and left...
by May
I look at him and all I can think about is the day when I won't be able to anymore.
by xJustToSeeYouSMILE
I always smiled & said it was okay when it really wasn't. always laughed it off when i wanted to break down and cry. i guess it's one of the flaws i possessed. killing myself to keep others at rest.
by BeeMilxByuel
I miss how things used to be...I wish I could go back to the days when it was just you and me.
by lostwithin
Its saddens me to say..that all guys are the same; & theres nothing we can do, but watch ourselves fall..
by [[GLAMOROUS__x]]
I guess forgetting i was ever part of your life was good for both of us..Or maybe just for you.
by Monster without a pulse x3
Lying to yourself, telling yourself continuously that he was happy without you by his side ... when it actually happened, it shudn't have hurt right? so i dont know why, before i even knew it, i was already crying ..
by BeeMilxByuel
My only love sprung from my only hate...
by veinsOflove
When you depart from me sorrow abides, and happiness takes his leave...
by veinsOflove
You said i was the girl for you.. until you found my best friend... apparently she is too.
by Claudd
Because even i had hopes of walking down the isle one day. i wanted to be the bribe instead of being the maid of honor. how can i when all love ever done is betray me? how can i fall in love again ..
by BeeMilxByuel
There's a reason why I met you, thought you'd be my inspiration and my no.1 distraction, but it turned out that you're my own affliction and no.1 irritation
by RiAnne
When someone calls me up at night
I hold my breath I close my eyes
I wait and hope and pray it will be you
Diane Warren (i miss you missing me)
The way you used to look at me I
can´t get it out of my head
the way you used to be some free i
just want that all again
I really must confess
Without you I´m a mess
Even though I live in my dream
All I see is you and me
by kla
20 years you'll wake up in bed,
and i wont be there,
and youll hate that im in your head
I never wanted to fit in any place except your heart
But we grew apart
Now rainy days are all i have
And i keep dreaming in the past
A whole new day.
A fresh new start.
Forget it ever happened for good things fell apart.
But now that he's not in my life,
every little thing I see has lost it's shine
Sometimes you have to test someone,not because you dont trust them but to see how much theyll sacrafice for you,and sometimes you have to let them go not bc you dont care but to see if they care enough to come back
I believe that everything happens for a reason,people change so that you can learn to let go things go wrong so you can appreciate them when their right and sometimes good things fall apart so better things fall into place
And everytime you tell her shes the best thing thats happened to you,
just remember who you used to say that to!
Dont let this fall apart cause when it does all you have left is a broken heart
I wont forget a word you said that nigth things went bad but im not going anywhere and thats a promise
Do you remeber how i carried your heart
and i carried it far!
You did a number on me and a fantastic job.
Some times it takes a second to sink in
That your life will never gonna be the same again
Breathe in, breathe out, it'll be okay
Breathe in, they say the pain will fade away
Cause no matter how far the view,
i still always look up to you<3
I miss the way you shake in my arms when you laugh<3
I'm sick of loving you too much to walk away. So break my heart ? && Make it easier for me to leave. This time , if you want me in your life. You gotta find a way to put me there.
So I'll just smile and rearrange everyday, so you can build a better place saving face, I understand that you don't care you're unaware, that you crushed me.
How could I trust anyone everyone, how could I feel anything my everything, this pain alone it hurts to bad I understand, that you're life changed.
It just so turns out that my way of dealing with things isn't exactly normal. I don't talk with my friends about it, I don't talk to the person I'm angry with, and I most certainly do not indulge in a carton of chocolate ice cream... Honest..
The saddest kind of sad is the sad that tries not to be sad. You know, when sad tries to bite its lip and not cry and smile and go, 'no, I'm happy for you"? That's when it's really sad.
~The Truth Has To Travel To Far From My Head To My Heart~
Thought the love I had for you would not die but now you're fading away from my memory and I dare not cry
I'm sorry for everything I made you go through.
I now realize how much you really loved me.
But, I guess I realized way too late. . .
I was very sorry when I found out that your intentions were good and not what I supposed they were.
I felt ashamed for what I had done. I don't have any excuses. I did what I did. I take full responsibility for myself and my actions. I wouldn't pawn this off on anybody. I'm sorry it happened. And I hurt people
I sort of feel sorry for the next man who gets me. I may just kill him with passion. He'd better be strong and have a good heart!
Is it that hard, to give me away ?
Can you sleep at night ?
Did you think that I was gonna be alright ?
Pushed out of your life... -Maria
This is goodbye to love that had died dont say that you tried to make this right. Here's to new days to life that can change to those who know hearts will bend and not break.
Here's to better days.
Cause I won't try to change who I am and if that means our end
Well then the lights go down
across this worn out town
I'll say goodbye to an old friend
You're taking pictures of all
of our times
so we remember our lives
when we change
I only hope that you will to forget
how our lives could have worked if I changed
You were never enough in the first place, I should have known, right from the first taste, that everything you heard about me was wrong. So lets go back, to where we belong, cuz we lost track, we got this all wrong,
We lived the high life, it was fast and so free, but time changed everyone, and it included me. So our lives changed, just liked the seasons do, I should have left then, but I still love you.
And so the times change, just like the seasons do, I should have left then, couldn't get over you.
You always make it hurt somehow
its killing me to see you now
if all of our lives we lived for one day, those 2 years I lived were seconds that wasted away
Lets start at the ending on the 10th and cold
i was so dam in love you were letting go
with your eyes closed, you let me know
i was your life before but now you'll let me go
Full of heart break, and heart ache, and learning to lose,
with my eyes closed, I moved on real slow
you were my life for so long
now i'll let you go
Im a hopeless romantic
with a knack for getting burned
im a hopeless romantic
call it a lesson learned<3
Waking up to a cloudy morning
The world still feels the same
Not one miss call
Or a text from your name... :(
&& he shows no sign of us ever getting back together but im still hoping, wishing, praying he changes his mind.....
Every night the same thing...I don't know what to do anymore, why does loving someone has to be hard?
Say you love me or say good bye I am tired of wishing on the stars in the sky so say you love me or say good bye.
I looked at you and said "i can't do this anymore you are my everything the love of my life, I can't picture my life without you but, if i fall and you don't catch me, I don't think i'll beable to get back up"
I'm with him but really everyday i think about you.
by Justyce
Set her free or set yourself free?
by Louis Mesa
So.. You've been ignoring me because you have a girlfriend after saying nothing would change and you still think we're bestfriends. Fuhk off.
It was like our own little war,
a notebook love,where ones gone,
and the other loves them even more.
Why'd you have to go,and mess this all up?
what made you think it was okay to hurt me?
couldnt you just have let it be?
Sitting here 1000 miles away watching the fireworks thinking of you, wondering if maybe you were thinking of me too!
But the lovers that leave us will ALWAYS hold a place!
Between you and i,i still keep your pictures undearneath my bed,where you gave yourself to me,where i gave myself to you<3
And since were being honest i think i should tell you,ive been filling up the empty space between you and i,but he could never compare to you<3
Maybe its all for the best,but i just dont see any good in this<3
& shess willinqq tuh qivee HiM her ALL ; evenn whenn she hass nothinq left tuh qivee .
This relationship has came to a halt, there's no moving on, this love is over.
There's so many things I want to say to you, but time's caught up && now I'll never say them..
Except that I've loved you from the moment I
saw you, && every moment since...
&& I don't want to be your second choice..
I don't want to be a substitute for her..
I want to be the drug that makes your heart beat faster..
Just kiss me one last time,
So then, I can remember how it felt..
When the world made sense..
I will hide my broken heart beneath a laughing face.
&& Though you'll think I never cared, no one else can take your place.
I dont love you anymore...i guess thats why i gave up
& even thou i knew from the beginning that id probaly get hurt, i wanted to believe in yuu, to open my heart up again. now here I am with tears down my cheeks watching yuu smile with someone else by yur side
So why do yuu get to have those butterflies feeling again and i get numb heart ? im not jealous of yur ability to fall in love, im hurt that it's not with me anymore ..
I like when you get mad at me.Not cause its fun making you upset,but cause its my only way to keep believeing that you still care about me;That your heart hurts like mine did;That God is doing the right thing by returning the pain that you once gave me.
"Dreamed we were still going out.
Had that one a few times now.
Woke up to find we were not.
It's good to be awake."
I can't stand the thought of how you left me just standing there alone with no answer. You tore me down to absolutely nothing and smiled when my pain showed through, like I was some pathetic sick game you just won.
Because even though all i want is for you to be happy, i can't stop crying. my heart really hurts ..
You're still here and I'm amazed. I'm not a victim, I victimize. Tell me you love me, but there's hate in your eyes
& the worst part was that yuu promised, and i believed yuu ..
You see i've been broken by everyone else and this good guy comes along and i know i cant love him because i don't have a pecie of my heart to give him...
Can you still love me with all these bruises...?
If I turn around as I walk away,
And say "I Love You".
Would you look at me once again,
With eyes that say Love and Honesty instead of Hate and Betrayal?
Im done pouring my heart out 2 some1 getting let down in the end,Everytime i think i got myself picked up again,i get thrown back down into the skarks.Im done with love,i always been afriaid of dieing alone,but im gonna stand my ground & face my fear
I'm fine. I mean, not that I'm over it, but little by little it's getting easier to pretend it's easier, which means easier might be right around the corner.
He's the reason I'm messed up. the reason I can't get myself into another
relationship, no matter how hard I try, no matter how bad I want to, I'm
scared. I'm scared of hurting someone else. Because I could never love
anyone the way I love him.
I feel so stupid for missing you.
Check out my poems and try to comment thanks
Because " i miss yuu " still slips from my lips without me noticing it ..
I know what i've done, and i don't regret anything. You where worth every mistake�
Watching the crying sky brings back a lot of memories...
Too bad, not many of them are happy ones..
If he could love me... then maybe someone else can too
What's on your mind?...
Heartbroken, and not knowing how to deal with it.
Here comes the big punch line I've been dying to give. I don't really need you like I used to, and you can walk out that door and pretend we never happened. It'll all be the same but you'll be the coward. You were the one always looking for a way out.
A little higher and we're well away. The dark nights are drawing in and your humor is as black as them. I look at yours, you laugh at mine and love is just a miserable lie.
Too many nights that i still remember with you, all the dreams that we had and every wish that never came true, and everything that im thankful for.. its got nothin to do with you
Maybe one day I will trust you with the truth again.
I miss staring into those green eyes,
and not being able to breath,
and every gentle kiss,and cold hands to hold.
i miss having you here with me,
were you should be!
And every word you dont say,
makes the pain worse each and every day!
You swore i was perfect,
everything i did that wasnt perfect,
every sound i made,smile i faked,
and yet none of that changed?
Heaven help the fool who did her wrong,
its too late,too bad shes too far gone,
he should have thought of that before he left her all alone.!<3
Promise me, that when you let me down, let me down gently.
So thank you for your time,
and try not to waste anymore of mine<3
We drink and we fight,
and love just because,
were young<3
Its hard to believe how much i did for you,
everyone knew how much i adored you<3
Its not like im even playing "hard to get", but you could at least put in some effort.
by sexyCheckers
Sometimes you love something so much that it hurts to leave it, but you must. Sometimes it hurts too much to hold on to that thing you love. And sometimes you let go of what you love because it hurts, but then just sometimes... you get it back and live happily ever after.
* * * * * * * * *
Why do people have to lose things to find out what they really mean?
* * * * * * * * *
When you are in love and you get hurt, it’s like a cut... it will heal, but there will always be a scar.
* * * * * * * * *
May God put a spell on you... so you won’t forget me.
* * * * * * * * *
Whenever I cried he would always make me feel like he would change the world if he could so it couldn't hurt me anymore. But now I’m crying and he's not here
* * * * * * * * *.
You can close your eyes to things you don’t want to see, but you can’t close your heart to things you don’t want to feel.
* * * * * * * * *.
When I see you smile and know that it is not for me, that is when I will miss you the most.
* * * * * * * * *
When you said forever, you meant a few months. When I said forever, I meant every day until I died. When you said always, you meant until you couldn't handle it anymore. When I said always, I meant until time ended. When you said you loved me, you meant I was no different from any other girl. When I said I loved you, I meant I had never felt what I felt for you.
* * * * * * * * *
was never one to patiently pick up broken fragments and glue them together again and tell myself that the mended whole was as good as new. What is broken is broken -- and I'd rather remember it as it was at its best than mend it and see the broken places as long as I lived. unknown sad love quotes
* * * * * * * * *.
With you my heart will always stay. With you my thoughts will be every day. You remain to be the one that I regret letting get away. Why didn't I say what I needed to say? You are the one I will always use my wishes on. You are the one I will always wish was never gone. I'll constantly wonder what went wrong. I'll forever think of what I could've did that was never done.
* * * * * * * * *
I don't miss him, I miss who I thought he was
* * * * * * * * *
I miss you a little, I guess you could say, a little too much, a little too often, and a little more each day
* * * * * * * * *.
There's this place in me where your finger prints still rest... your kisses still linger and your whispers softly echo... It's the place where a part of you will forever be a part of me
* * * * * * * * *
A teardrop is insignificant in a pool of water, but it can touch the soul as it runs down someone’s face.
* * * * * * * * *
I wish I had the guts to walk away and forget about what we had. But, I can’t because I know you won't come after me, and I guess that's what hurts the most.
* * * * * * * * *
You hurt me once... shame on you. You hurt me twice... shame on me.
* * * * * * * * *
True love? I used to believe it existed, but when you’ve had your heart torn out and thrown on the floor, you just don’t care anymore. . Ask me why I keep on loving
* * * * * * * * *
when It's clear that you don't feel the same way for me... the problem is that as much as I can't force you to love me, I can't force myself to stop loving you.
* * * * * * * * *
. When you remember how hard it is to change yourself, you begin to understand what little chance we have of changing others.
* * * * * * * * *
Someone can walk into your life and it is not until after they walk out that you realize that they were even there
* * * * * * * * *.
Love can tear you apart... it can kill you. But if you’re lucky, it can put you back together.
* * * * * * * * *
It hurts to see you walk away. For admit it or not, you were an important part of my life and the time we shared will forever be a part of me. So even though I realize that it was never meant to be, still, it hurts.
* * * * * * * * *
You have been the treasure in my hand. You have been the one who always stood beside me. So unaware, I foolishly believed that you would always be there. But then there will come a day, when I will turn my head and you will slip away.
* * * * * * * * *
I hate you...and then I love you...it's like I want to throw you off a cliff....then rush to the bottom to catch you
* * * * * * * * *
For all sad words of tongue and pen, the saddest are those "it might have been
* * * * * * * * *.
I’ve seen fire and I’ve seen rain. I’ve seen sunny days that I thought would never end. I’ve seen lonely times when I could not find a friend, but I always thought that I’d see you again.
* * * * * * * * *
Oh, I shouldn’t care or wonder where and how you are. But I can’t hide this hurt inside my broken heart. I’m fighting back emotions that I’ve never fought before, ‘cause I’m not supposed to love you anymore.
* * * * * * * * *
It hurts the most when you can actually feel your heart breaking.
* * * * * * * * *
I can’t cry hard enough for you to hear me.
* * * * * * * * *
The tears I wish to wipe away, will run unchecked for another day. Alas, that is the price I pay.
* * * * * * * * *
No, I can’t erase the wrong I’ve done but I hope you can give me another chance. Because if you were me, you would want the same and I’d give that chance to you.
* * * * * * * * *
You love to hate the one who loves the one you hate to love.
* * * * * * * * *
Even if my heart should call out your name in the rain. Even if these arms should want to embrace you again. And even if I’m all cried out and no longer in pain... I’ll never fall in love that way again.
* * * * * * * * *
Once upon a time I was falling in love, but now I’m only falling apart. - "Total Eclipse of the Heart
* * * * * * * * *
I could fill a thousand pages telling you how I felt and still you would not understand. So now I leave without a sound, except that of my heart shattering as it hits the ground.
* * * * * * * * *
We are never so defenseless against suffering as when we love. .
* * * * * * * * *
The ones that you love the most are usually the ones that hurt you the most.
Its almost like were this big wall,
and we break eachother down to see whos stronger.
whos tough enough to take the break.
and thats not a real relationship
by overandover
Why should i try
why should i care
no matter how strong my feelings are
i always end up, hurting you
by overandover
I hate you but I love you, I don't want you but I need you.
by WakingFreedom
&. I fell for this boy who spoke words I'd longed to hear, for a time I knew he fell for me, but he's not any normal boy.. we can never be.
by CareBear
The trust in me is breaking, my heart is slowly aching for a better you to come.
So you could treat me the way I always knew would.
by lillie
Fools Like Me Love Blindly <3
by lillie
I can experience heart breake or get knocked around, but ill never fall to the ground.
by dreamer
I wish letting go is as easy as how you say it..
by yourExactbrandofHeroine
& the truth to her lies,
where in his eyes
by SexyEmoChick
You always said you hate to see me hurt,
and you hate to see me cry,
so all those times that you hurt me,
did you just close your eyes?!
by rollthedice
In another time or place,
Could we have our chance?
In our dreams could we be,
Or our those words the most we'll ever speak?
by CareBear
Losing sleep after your confession,
To know how you felt,
Wishing I could be all you need me to be,
The same way you wish you could be all that to me.
by CareBear
& some things are better left unsaid,
Like the way you make my heart skip a beat,
The way it's only you I want to be around,
Or the fact you wish you could give me all I want
But you can't, best friend
by CareBear
You can't break somethings thats already broken
You can't break a broken heart
He doesn't love me,
His eyes betrayed his everything..
But even so,
My Heart was still claimed away..
by May
You always call on me
When you are going through the loved sites
As you can always count on me to make you feel alright
manage to make you laugh
know how to make you smile
being together feel so alright
but you won't be there
why you so afraid
I wanna be the pretties wreak you'll ever see.
I'll be so dangerously broken,
It'll make you curious enough to walk up to me,
and greet me with a tender smile.
by Samie
Ii Think ii Found Myself Today _ ii Even Watched Me Walk Away _ && In My Hand ii Held Gold _ ii Held Your Heart, Broken && Cold.
by FindingHarmonyInYurCries (
I don't know what is wrong,you left me hangin.and it hurts like hell.
by yourExactbrandofHeroine
It hurts when I see you talking to other people and you can't talk to me. Like I know you have somethin to tell me,Baby what holds you back?
by yourExactbrandofHeroine
What can I say, what can I do, this is who I am and I'm losing you.
by overandover
I miss you much much everyday
and I can't stop :/
by yourExactbrandofHeroine
I love you and you just don't care,even a little??
stop lying to yourself..
by yourExactbrandofHeroine
You can die with a broken heart :/
by yourExactbrandofHeroine
When you told me I meant nothing to you
At first I was hurt and confused.
But then suddenly I was free
And relieved that I didn't have to live this lie any longer
by Tank
Be my escape<3
by kla
Theres gonna be up's and down's but with you to wrap my arms around,ill be just fine!
by kla
Im bored of your love,
bored of your face,
bored of your random all over the place,attitude.
im bored of you!
by kla
Im up to my neck in the mess and im sorry,ill remember your love,remember your face,when its over and done with it wont quite be the same
by kla
P.s. you were nothing but a LETDOWN.
by Decaying In Oceans Of Depression
For once, I wish something between us would just happen, good or bad. I wish you had something to tell me; if I should keep holding on or just let go.
by Rachel
Its funny how you say I threw us away.
How it's my fault we won't be together.
I won't take the fall for this.
If you had done it right we wouldn't be here.
If you had been faithful i wouldnt have found the guy you failed to be
by Tank
I would never ever say how much I really needed you to stay with me. I would never ever say how much it really hurts to stop myself, and just let you walk
away. Truly, I've never been able to deal with people leaving me for whatever reason.
by eRNie
I'm kinda used to being left and hurt.
by eRNie
You could tell me you love me, but I'm no longer listening.
by Goob
See how you flood my mind until now,you shouldn't have lock your lips n eyes wit mine.Now i'm stuck again.
by yourExactbrandofHeroine
I can't even describe the feeling I get
when I see you. It's like my heart is on overdrive
and my stomach is filled with butterflies.
And I'm trying so hard to keep my cool.
Even though it happens all the time,
it never gets old.
by Hayleeh
I was with you,funny how you hugged me like before,never ending and sweet.so why we can't be together??
by yourExactbrandofHeroine
Sometimes apologies don't mean a thing, like at four in the morning when you're in bed sleeping. You don't need a phone conversation to wake you up, to bring
you down. Because when it's over, we both know.
by modern day barbie
You're the kind of guy who could slit my throat, and with my last breath, I'd apologize for getting blood on your shirt. . .
by Captivat3d
When she speaks it makes me grind my teeth,but some how he still thinks shes amazing
by kla
Hes like an addiction,a drug,not the good kind,the kind that makes your grades go down,makes you cryin public,and makes you a permante mess!
by kla
I went 3 years being so in love with you i stopped posting poems and quotes because i couldnt describe the love i felt
now here i am remembering why i didnt want to love you to start with because you ould never love me back
by justice
I told you i would never break your heart but you went on and broke it yourself using me while your out looking for a bigger better deal
by justice
I wont let go of myself
Just because I'm not good enough
For someone like you.
by Lettredufront
I hope someday he will realise
I was a little more
than just the girl next door.
by Lettredufront
Even though I hope God makes sure
I can spend my life forever with you.
Sometimes surcomstances make me wish
I was never born at all.
by Lettredufront
I replicate everything about her, face, eyes, body, but she will never be the same, this imitation will never fill the empty space i had for her, but could
you blame me for trying
by Marcus blake
I saw him standing there, heart on his sleeve and tears in his eyes. He came to me, his best friend and said he was fine. I who watched her cheat, would be
his shoulder. I who loved him so deeply, would stay invisible, his best friend.
by theory of the loser
Supposed to get over it, was just a stupid crush
But I've completely fallen
And you just sat there and watched
Take my friends, take my life,
I don't care anymore,
Because you can't take the one thing you want,
by CareBear
I will trust you with my life before I ever trust you with my heart
by megan
I knew it was a lie
but i always found a way to believe you
silly me
now im left picking up the pecies of my heart
by shatteringXxHeart
Shame on me
i actually thought i could change you
by shatteringXxHeart
I told you I was having trouble sleeping. What I didn't say was that you were the reason why.
by Genevieve
It's not you that I miss, but the person I once believe you were.
I wait for the days when I will forget who you are.
When the taste of your name sounds old && worn.
I wait for the days when I won't remember why I needed you so bad.
by Amanda Ghosties
I wish my head wouldn't clash with my heart.
by Allanah Asphyxia
&. I hate it when I predict exactly the way you'll react,
Because it reminds me after all these years,
There's still a glimpse of the boy I fell in love with,
Somewhere under the mask of insecurity, covered by popularity.
by CareBear
You're a million miles away,
Across oceans & land..
Though it seems it's been this way for too long,
I miss you more now then ever before.
by CareBear
And if you knew the truth you wouldn't like me let alone love me
by ImTheGirl
Do you hate me? I mean seriously you wouldn't be doing this to me if you didn't. You wouldn't be breaking my heart over and over. You wouldn't be leaving me
everytime we get close. And most importantly you wouldn't be here with her.
by Jeni
How can I decide what's right, when you're clouding up my mind. Some times I feel like I'm wasting my time.
by Jennnnnnnaaa
Guess its true you never know what you have till its gone cause now that you left boy o boy do i want you back=/
by phenomenal no matter dey what sa
People were created to be loved, things were created to be used; the reason why the world is in chaos right now is because things are being loved, and people
are being used.
by Captivat3d
Once Again
Once again you were there for me
To love and care for me
Once again we say goodbye
But then we come back to saying hi
Once again you say you'll be back
But that didn't turn out to be a fact
love you daddy
by A Phine To Sour Skittles
Unbreak My Heart.
by Love Bug
I wasnt able to sleep lastnight.stop thinking about me please,we're so done..:|
by yourExactbrandofHeroine
You said you liked me but didn't want to ruin our friendship
so then what made you risk it all for her ?
My heart didn't break,
it got played with, ripped out, thrown around,
spat on, beaten, and shoved back in my chest.
But it didn't break,
Cause I'm not dead.
by Claudd
Like an emergency exit door,
you leave me for her again and my heart will scream so much, that
everyone will know what you did.
by Claudd
"I can find a girl who loves the way i treat her" he says, good luck finding someone as stupid as me a $ $ hole
by Lindsey
When you told me that you thought of other women when we made love and it didn't bother me, I should have ended it there
by Lindsey
It hurts how'd you forget that I was laying in your arms lastnight.:(..you'd jus leave like nothing happened:(
by yourExactbrandofHeroine
Sometimes your words cut deeper than any knife could
by Lindsey
I held a picture of you close to my chest, so you'd know you were still in my heart..
I wrote your name on a bullet, so you'd know you were always in my head..
by Cedric
You broke my heart, I'm taking it back from you.
And taking back the life I gave to you.
Life goes on before and after you.
I've got some growing up to do.
by kla
The hardest part was getting this close to you
and giving up this dream I built with you.
A fairy tale that isn't coming true.
You've got some growing up to do.
by kla
The saddest thing is you could be anything, that you could want.
We could've been everything, but now we're not.
Now it's not anything at all.
by kla
From now on she's living her life for her. She'd like you to be a part of it, but she'll do just fine without you.
by kla
Why am i keep on dreaming about you?.
i thot i moved on,guess not.;i
by yourExactbrandofHeroine
You can't move on until you let go..
by yourExactbrandofHeroine
To you, I might be just a friend
but o baby, my feelings for you are something that
I can not pretend
by Rachel
I'm stretching but you're just out of reach
by Rachel
Men are innate thieves; they have no problem stealing your heart, they simply forgot that they aren�t supposed to break it.
by Silently Screaming
You played the game well. You made me believe all your stories, and trust all your lies. Congratulations player you got another girl to fall for you before
vanishing once again. Are you proud of yourself?
by melissa nordmeyer
Suffer and feel the pain i do. And the day you realize how much i love you, will be the day you have to realize that i dont belong to you and you no longer
belong to me, you took to long.
by xXxMy Isanity My EscapexXx
How could you say you don't love me when you remember everything that we had?
by yourExactbrandofHeroine
So tell me how does my bestfriend taste-like?
by yourExactbrandofHeroine
"Are you seriously going to sit here and ask me if I'm okay?
After ignoring me all week, ripping my heart out, throwing it on the ground,
and repeatedly stomping on it? Yeah a-shole, I'm great."
by Rachel
The worst isnt when your in love with someone who doesnt love you back.
The worst is when you are in love with someone who used to be in love with you.
by Rachel
A fight was all she needed to give her a reason,
she slammed the door with no goodbye.
by Rachel
And you are just a mark on the map of my past.
by Rachel
Out of all the lies I have heard,
"I love you." was my favorite,
and "I miss you" was second best.
by Rachel
I want to love someone whose heart has been broken,
so that he knows exactly how it feels and won't break mine.
by Rachel
Unlike you, i meant every single
word that came out of my mouth.
by Rachel
I'm the only one left who ever gave a damn about you.
by Rachel
One day we'll look back on this,
laugh nervously, and quickly change the subject.
by Rachel
I'm sure there must have been a time when you did not consume my mind, but i swear, i don't remember.
by Rachel
There's one thing everybody wants to feel.
To be loved without begging for it.
by Rachel
I saw him staring at me.
Not glancing, but blatantly staring.
And I wondered if he was staring
At the wreckage he created
Or if maybe, just maybe
He regretted for hurting me in the first place.
by Rachel
I was the one who said things changed,
But you were the one who showed me
exactly how much they really did.
by Rachel
If I stop lying,
I'll just disappoint you.
by Rachel
He wants her and he knows it;
but the problem with love is,
he never shows it.
by Rachel
& he asked her do you love me?? & she replied I do!! & I have also learned to love you when we broke up..when you went out with her..when you broke my heart
the other 3 times & even now!!
by m
I realize that I waited too long.
You have moved on.
But I thought you should know...
It was always you that I wanted.
I was just too afraid that if I fell...
you wouldn't catch me.
by emily
Hiding my self behind my wall. for to many times have i been left to fall. I rather be alone, & face my fear,rather then haveing my heart vandalized.
by Samie
And I know that I'm over him because I'm not afraid of losing him
by ImTheGirl
And we jsut need to except the fact some people just stay in our hearts forever even if they dont stay in our lives!
by kla
It's not a big big thing if you leave me,
But I do do feel
That I do do will miss you much,
miss you much...
by Lettredufront
Letting go seems so terrefying
Cuz you never know if you'll get out
Stronger, ... or weaker.
by Lettredufront
Wished that I could move on
But I can't, it's too strong.
by Lettredufront
Wished that I could move on
But I can't, it's too strong.
by Lettredufront
When it comes to love, you're just as blinded as me.
by Lettredufront
Some nights, alone, he thinks of her.
And some nights, alone, she thinks of him.
Some nights these thoughts, separated by miles and time zones,
occur at the same objective moment,
and they are connected without ever knowing it.
by kla
Nothing is left of you. Everything has changed, and I miss the person you used to be.
by kla
You never get over it,
but you get to where it
doesnt bother you so much.
by kla
We were just to kids,going in different directions<3
by kla
Its almost the anniversary of when you decided I wasnt good enough.
by kla
"It occured to me that we're growing up. He's not the same boy that made my stomach do flips, and in a way, that breaks my heart. But I'm not the same girl
that smiled through the tears, either, and I know that breaks his heart, too."
by kla
Remember? I was there when we promised forever. And now I'm still here, after you've broken it.
by kla
I've decided I deserve the truth. I may have done some horrible things in my lifetime, but so have you. And I just think that if I give you honesty, you can
give me some too.
by kla
I've decided I deserve the truth. I may have done some horrible things in my lifetime, but so have you. And I just think that if I give you honesty, you can
give me some too.
by kla
I can�t say I ever really got over it all. I mean I�ve moved on, I�ve tried being the same as I used to be, but I�ve changed. I can�t explain it; I
just know it all leads back to you
by kla
And we always have the night and you never try to hold my hand in the morning..it's heart breaking
The longest and most painful kind of love, is unrequited love.
by xX the left behind Xx
Sometimes it's hard to comprehend what goes on in your head,
The more I think about it I just end up reaching a dead end.
Maybe it would be better just to not feel something,
And in the darkness old wounds may begin to heal...
by Ash
You took for granted all the times I never let you down.
by modern*day*barbie
You & i will ALWAYS be unfinished business
by kla
I won't forget the times that we had. i'm wishing that you weren't a part of my past.
by kla
When this is said and done, i hope you look back and wonder if maybe falling in love with me wasn't such a bad idea after all.
by kla
Love is like a backwards Sour Patch Kid...First it's sweet,than it's sour.
by TheOriginalStupidGirl
I'm tired of picking up all the broken pieces, im just gonna leave its trail and wait for someone who really cares to pick them up and give me back my heart
whole again.
by RiAnne
It hurts to know that im not the one for you anymore
but what hurts the most is how much i miss you and how now shes your life. :'(
by Candy
Give him a choice you'll always lose
He'll pick the one who didn't make him choose
You've got a lot to learn of love little girl
you may be his "right now" but she'll always be his "world"
by Jessica
Your angry at me for that? That's cool, just let me know when you grow up.
by Captivat3d
You want me to tell you the truth ? I'll tell you the truth, but don't get angry if it's not what you wanted to hear.
by EveryGirlYouKnow
And I think its going to be hard for you to convince me that I need you when I've gone this long without you
by ImTheGirl
Sabes que tu fuiste mi primer cancion la persona que entendio mi corazon y ahora tengo que decirte adios...
by xTeAmoMonkeyx
He knows the real me. The me that prefers to stay home on weekends to play Nintendo and eat ice cream and pizza. The me that runs around in shorts and a t-
shirt and my hair a mess but he actually likes the real me.
by kla
They say time heals and makes us forget but what we shared will never be erased
by kla
"See there's this place in me where your fingerprints still rest, your kisses still linger, and your whispers softly echo. It's the place where a part of you
will forever be a part of me."
by kla
We all hang onto summat we know were better off letting go. It's like we're scared to lose what we don't really have. Some of us say wed rather have that
summat, than not at all, but the truth is, tohave it halfway, is harder than not having it at all.
by DamagedGoods
Maybe its about taking a deep
breath and forgiving yourself
for yesterday's mistakes.
by DamagedGoods
There's a certain kind
of pain that can numb you.
There's a type of freedom that
can tie you down. Sometimes
the unexplained can define
you and sometimes the
silence is the only sound.
You were something worth
tripping over. I just didn't
know I would fall this hard.
by DamagedGoods
I've been thinking a lot lately, about taking chances and how its really just about overcoming your fears because the truth is, everytime you take a big risk
in your life, no matter how it ends up, you're always gladthat you took it.
by DamagedGoods
Sometimes you need to put
the past behind, the saddest aside.
You need to forget everything you
ever felt..your feelings, your thoughts,
everything that was ever there.
Cause you can't get hurt if you
don't even care.
by DamagedGoods
Took me long enough, but ive finally realised
that all i am to you is a back up plan, and on that note my darling it ends.
by DamagedGoods
Come take me home
unchain my soul
you can break my heart
if it means that you would never be alone
come take me home...
by lostgirl
We run aimlessly with love in our hearts
by megan
All I said was that you changed me, I never said for the better....
by FinalXBreathX
You're missing every single parts of my existence..
by Cedric
It's never easy saying goodbye, but it's twice as hard to let go.
by ariana
I guess i will never understand how people can use the word "love" so easily .. and forget when they used it so quick.
by BeeMilxByuel
One finger up & I'm out . Cause you ain't worth two .
by DreAM BiG
"Where are all the knights in shining armor? All I'm finding are losers in aluminum!"-anonymous.
"You asked me what was wrong, I smiled and said nothing, when you turned around and a tear came down and I whispered to myself... everything is"
by BrokenWingAng3L
Its nice to know you were there
thanks for acting like you cared
and making me feel like i was the only one
its nice to know we had it all
thanks for watching as i fall
and letting me know we were done
by kla
"So many times I've loved you, more than myself. It's time to take that love and put it on the shelf."
by kla
..i wish heartbreak was as painless as getting a haircut..you don't feel a thing but when it's over, it's a new you..
by Mylah Malana
..at one point in our life, the greatest person we have ever love can turn out to be the greatest stranger we have ever met..so sad but so true according to
by Mylah Malana
How quick is it to have your heart broken smash and shattered. Shock took over me,
I didn't shed a tear just looked up at you and wish you'd disappear...
I confess my love for you every single day
Protest it to the world to prove its for real
i told you i mean it and you said you mean it too
but why didn't you fight for me when i was leaving you ?
Its like you cast a spell upon me
So deeply in love
then you said you didn't care
and spell was undone.
I'm so sick and tired,Of crying over someone who isn't crying over me
by Alison milliron
But you promised her next time you'd show restraint
you don't get another chance.
Life is no nintendo game, but you lied again
Now you get to watch her leave out the window
Guess that's why they call it window pane
by Angel Of Death
Just gonna stand there and watch me burn,
that's alright because I like the way it hurts.
Just gonna stand there and hear me cry,
that's ok because I love the way you lie
by Angel Of Death
I wish that I could burn your every memory,
Walk away and save myself from this torture and agony.
I wish that you would open your eyes and see,
That I'm so in love with you but all you do is treat me so badly...
by Ash
Sometimes I would rather just sleep, then be awake, because in my dreams, you'll always be..
by Cedric
All my life Ive stood on this edge, the edge were ive been pushed to my very limits. But now Im jumpin off
by Amandaa25
Just to clarify, you walked out on someone great, someone who coulda changed your life
by Amandaa25
Love and pain seem to play on the same side
by Amandaa25
You were my light that guided the way
You were my voice when I had nothing to say
You walked away and left me in the dark
With nothing to say, just a brokenheart
by 99lostinlove33
Time flies by, I moved on
but for my lost love, my heart beats on
by 99lostinlove33
You didnt love me.
you dont destroy the people you love.
by kla
Every place brought back a memory,of a kiss or a smile that you gave me.
things changed,well i guess more and more i miss you less and less!
by kla
I don't know how to describe the feeling except that it kinda feels like some took a knife, cut out my heart, and threw it away;
and now my chest won't stop hurting.
by MusicInspiresMe
We were attached by the hip,
now its like im a tumor your removing!
by kla
Through your Actions you Show me
Through your Words you Tell me
but you could never truly admit you love me
because of her...
And even if you never know it, i will still love you unconditionally
by erika
I don't love you, I swear that it's truth,
I don't need you like I did back then,
I'll look you in the eyes & promise,
Though every word, you should know, are lies.
by CareBear
&. I asked you to walk away,
Knowing full well I'd miss you,
Because I'll love you forever,
My heart just has no where left to break.
by CareBear
"Till death seperates us", is what you said.
Isn't that a reason enough to kill you?
by Lettredufront
You wanted total control. Now you have it.
by Alison milliron
who has lost a loved one..i know the feelings myself and words just don't do much to ease the pain..:'(
by Mylah Malana
..one disadvantage of having a good memory is whenever you feel lonely, sad and broken, happy memories tend to creep in making you miss the person you had
good memories with..:(
by Mylah Malana
Im not sure what is worse. Forgetting your loves smell, or not wanting to forget the person you hates smell.
by Annie
& she sat there, with tears in her eyes and water down her cheeks waiting for him to say something .. anything.
by BeeMilxByuel
Once the chain of trust is broken
its no use repairing back
S[he] be[lie]ve[d].
by Decaying In Oceans Of Depression
To me, you were just the same.
Like all of the others, accusing the leader of inflicting all the pain that you've been feeling.
But I'd wait to find any tears of mine.
by MusicInspiresMe
I'll let you stand on your own again, while you're playing the victim.
by MusicInspiresMe
Love is like backwards.
[ sour patch kids - ]
first it's sweet then it's sour.
by kla
I still remember the moment I
looked in your eyes, for the last time.
that one little memory still has the
right amount of love to make me cry.
by kla
It's tough when someone special
starts to ignore you, it's even tougher
to pretend that you don't mind.
by kla
My eyeliner is smudging, my
mascara down my face, the
condition you let me get in,
i swore i would never be like this.
by kla
Missing someone gets easier everyday
because even though you are one day further from the last time you saw them, you are one day closer to the next time you will.
by kla
she's done and make it look like a whole new canvas again.
by RiAnne
The break of ones hard is the hardest break to mend
by skye
The last thing I remember about you,
Is your back walking away from me...
You were never mine,
I wonder why.
I thought being friends is just enough,
But emotions stir after years,
I think I'm falling for you all over again..
by May
You're just like a lousy Clown,
Behind your mask and make up of Smiles and Laughter,
I can still see your crying heart clearly beyond those Betraying eyes...
by May
...I don't even remember the sound of your voice anymore, just words you muttered to me at one point in time. So many words, so full of nothing.
by kla
Your memory is in the back of my full, overworked brain, it still has not left me.
by kla
We've become strangers. strangers with a past. And even though there are times I miss you, well, I can promise you that you will never see me again.
by kla
After a long year of fighting with each other and somewhat loving each other, we truely just didn't belong together. I know a part of you loved me, and you
know that I always loved you.
by kla
There were days, weeks, where all I did was sit around and pray that you would magically show up at my door and we would start over
by kla
Life without you DOES exsist, even though for so long I believed there was no such thing. I no longer wonder what could've been with us, the little concept
of "us" there was.
by kla
Once upon a time I thought I was in love but my happily ever after never came.
by MalevolentMurderousMoron
I souldnt even started
Knowing that love would drive me crazy and frustated
by Md Farid joe
..my biggest fear was losing you..when the day of losing your love came to existence, i also lose my heart even my life..since then i never felt how it feels
to be complete and i wonder if i can ever be whole again, if i can ever be complete again..
by Mylah Malana
..no matter how crazy and funny the scenes around me, it is always useless without the person i want to laugh with... YOU.. i miss you!. :(
by Mylah Malana
I know you must hear this alot
But when I say it I hope you know
I mean every three words
I love you that will never change
by A Phine To Sour Skittles
Well, I know I make you cry and I know sometimes you wanna die. But do you really feel alive without me? If so, be free.
by modern*day*barbie
I don't want to see you anymore, I'm just not that strong.
I love it when you're here, but I'm better when you're gone.
The lost feeling
creeps back in
wanting to make me remember
that once forgotten emotion
by ceci18
As i lay here
without thought
you start to wonder
into my mind
making me miss you
as each day goes by
not knowing how to deal with this
unchanging feeling
by ceci18
Im a pretty girl
with no personality
but i know better
your not really interested in me
by CrossMyHeartAndHopeToDie
Few are those who think with their own minds and feel with their own hearts
--Einstein said that..he knew more than numbers
by CrossMyHeartAndHopeToDie
Sometimes I wonder if having been hurt by you continuously has made me addicted to suffering...it's as though I can't live without it anymore.
by Snowdrop
You keep telling me to be glad for what we had while we had it.
That the brightest flame burns quickest. Which means you saw us as a candle. & I saw us as the sun
by kla
It doesnt mean forgetting,it means moving on!
by kla
The two hardest things to say in life hello for the first time and goodbye for the last.
by kla
Anyone can make you smile or cry, but it takes someone special
to make you smile when you already have tears in your eyes
I hate how you sit there and act like you know me.
Lets get this straight.. you used to know me. You remember
what happened with that situation? The girl you
used to know, she left. Just like you did.
by kla
It doesn't make sense to let go of something you had for so long, but it also doesn't make sense to hold on when nothing's there.
by kla
Sometimes she thinks shes strong. Sometimes she thinks shes gone,
past the point of feeling anything at all. Sometimes shes sure shes crazy.
Sometimes she feels like maybe the only way to survive is to stay angry.
If you walk away ,ill walk away.
but tell me first which road to take,cause i dont want to risk our paths crossing one day!
by kla
And now I hear you found somebody new
And that I never meant that much to you
To hear that tears me up inside
And to see you cuts me like a knife.
by kla
No, it`s not "whatever." We have a relationship worth fighting for,. Even though we`ve fought maybe even more than we`ve laughed lately, I can`t just give up
on this. I can`t pretend like you never made a difference in my life
by kla
It's hard to get over people, I mean really get over them.
You can start to have feelings for other people,
but it doesn't mean you're over them.
It just means you're moving on
by kla
And the best feeling in the world is realizing your perfectly
happy without the thing you thought you needed the most.
by kla
She walks down the hall with her head held high.
but really last night she had to tell him goodbye.
He knows, she knows, but no one else can tell that really inside,
her world is crashing down
Sometimes you don't want to know the truth.
You may think you do, but once you know,
you'd give just about anything
to go back to being ignorant.
by kla
And I hope you find it
What your looking for
And I hope it's everything you'd
Dream your life would be so much more.
Because we expect each other to always be the people in that picture.
But people change. People aren't pictures.
And you can either take a new picture, or throw the old one away.
by kla
She'll chase you around for a while,
but there's gonna be a day when she's gonna stop running in circles around you,
she's gonna get over you, and at that moment, you'll wish you had let her catch you.
by kla
Go ahead, give him a second chance.
Let him break your heart yet again.
Maybe it'll hurt less this time.
Then again maybe it won't
by kla
Sometimes we expect more from
others because we would be
willing to do the same for them
I miss YOU missing ME ...
by Su
Memory is a way of holding on to the things you love, the things you are, the things you never want to lose.
by kla
Guess what I'm trying to say is that you are there, in everything I am, in everything I've ever done, and looking back, I know that I should have told you
how much you've always meant to me
by kla
& in the end people always turn out to be who they PROMISED they wouldnt be
by Yoselyn
I smile :) and act like nothing is wrong.. its called putting shit aside and acting strong
by Yoselyn
Some people are meant to be in your life forever and some are just meant to pass thru. never regret anyone that come into your life no matter what happens
just take it as a lifes lesson well learned
by Yoselyn
Dont get mad when a girl cares to much worry when she starts not to give a F**k
by Yoselyn
&& the worst feeling in the world is not being able to be with the one you love. then having to pretend you don't care...
by Yoselyn
Promises are always meant to be broken, so choose the promises you will believe in...
Nothing hurts more than to be friends with someone,
Knowing you are both in love with each other,
&& yet not being able to be together.
by Teenage Romance
Dear brain,
Sorry for overloading you with thoughts of him.
Dear tummy,
Sorry for all the butterflies.
Dear pillow,
Sorry for all the tears.
Dear heart,
Sorry for all the damage.
by Teenage Romance
My Dear Knight,
When will you come save me from my mind?
by heartless
You [w e r e] the only exception...
by XxBrokenInsidexX
I feel like telling you everything
talking until my words aren't a part of me anymore,
they are a part of the air
and suddenly they are not my problem
and I am free
by kla
You change for two reasons;
either you learn enough that you want to,
or you've been hurt enough that you have to
by kla
Someday someone is gonna thank you for letting me go<3
by kla
Then my imagination breaks away from all my self control & I imagine you & I together, just like always.
by kla
I guess by now I should know enough about loss to realize that you never really stop missing someone, you just learn to live around the huge gaping hole of
their absence.
by kla
It's funny how when someone says they love you,
you can't really feel it. But when they say they
don't love you anymore, you can feel every ounce
of what was drained out of your being
by kla
I dont have a fear of commitment,
i have a fear of abandonment
by kla
People say that the bad memories cause the most pain.
But actually its the good ones that drive you insane.
by kla
Its hard to knwo you shouldnt hold on,
but your too in love to let go
by kla
You seem like the type to love 'em and leave 'em.
by kla
Love is like standing in wet cement the longer you stay the harder it
is to leave & you can never let go without leaving footprints behind
by kla
Someone asked me if I knew you, a million memories flashed through my mind and I whispered, not anymore.
by kla
This is to those nights where you just can't sleep because every word they said to you replays, over and over.
by kla
I think that the only reason why people hold onto
memories so tight, for so long is cause memories
are the only things that don�t change when everything else does
by kla
Some times the hardest things to leave behind
are the the things you never had in the first place.
by kla
Every single girl has this boy and every single girl will remember him forever - he's not the one for us, but he'll always be somewhere in our hearts.
He goes left and you stay right<3
by kla
Learn from your past and move on, grow stronger. people are
fake, but let your trust last longer. do what you got to do, but
always stay true, and never let anyone get the best of you.
by kla
I gave you all my love and just about all that I could give, you told me that you loved me well b.tch i beg to differ
By kala
Does she look at you the way i do,
try to understand the words you say and the way you move.
does she get the same big rush,
when your going in for a hug and your cheeks brush?
by kala
Pictures of you,
pictures of me,
remind us all of what we used to be!
by kala
And i know that theres no one to blame its a sure given shame of my own that you dont remeber!
by kla
Im a wreck and i know it,and i tend to let it show every chance that i get
by kla
But ive grown too strong to ever fall back into your arms.
by kla
Your gonna catch a cold,
from all the ice inside your soul!
by kla
Who do you think you are,
running around leaving scars,collecting your jar of hearts and tearing love apart
by kla
I will always carry you in my heart
youll always be my shootnig star.
autumn days will fade away,but memoires will always stay the same,im hoping you will never change.
by kla
Love so strong,then you moved on.
now im hung up in suspense cause
your bringing me in then kicking me out again!
by kla
You're love drunk you're blinded you've lost the ones who loved you most
this liar's on fire
melted like wax a mess it grows
and you're the one that chose
and that's just how Karma goes
by kla
Broken hearts are fatal, but i shall never die because my plastic heart cannot love.
by Gabriel Antonio White
"She gets what she wants
And she breaks what she gets
Get out while you can
Or she'll tear you to pieces"
All Time Low.
by sexyCheckers
Somewhere along the way,
Happiness and Innocence packed their bags and left...
by May
I look at him and all I can think about is the day when I won't be able to anymore.
by xJustToSeeYouSMILE
I always smiled & said it was okay when it really wasn't. always laughed it off when i wanted to break down and cry. i guess it's one of the flaws i possessed. killing myself to keep others at rest.
by BeeMilxByuel
I miss how things used to be...I wish I could go back to the days when it was just you and me.
by lostwithin
Its saddens me to say..that all guys are the same; & theres nothing we can do, but watch ourselves fall..
by [[GLAMOROUS__x]]
I guess forgetting i was ever part of your life was good for both of us..Or maybe just for you.
by Monster without a pulse x3
Lying to yourself, telling yourself continuously that he was happy without you by his side ... when it actually happened, it shudn't have hurt right? so i dont know why, before i even knew it, i was already crying ..
by BeeMilxByuel
My only love sprung from my only hate...
by veinsOflove
When you depart from me sorrow abides, and happiness takes his leave...
by veinsOflove
You said i was the girl for you.. until you found my best friend... apparently she is too.
by Claudd
Because even i had hopes of walking down the isle one day. i wanted to be the bribe instead of being the maid of honor. how can i when all love ever done is betray me? how can i fall in love again ..
by BeeMilxByuel
There's a reason why I met you, thought you'd be my inspiration and my no.1 distraction, but it turned out that you're my own affliction and no.1 irritation
by RiAnne
When someone calls me up at night
I hold my breath I close my eyes
I wait and hope and pray it will be you
Diane Warren (i miss you missing me)
The way you used to look at me I
can´t get it out of my head
the way you used to be some free i
just want that all again
I really must confess
Without you I´m a mess
Even though I live in my dream
All I see is you and me
by kla
20 years you'll wake up in bed,
and i wont be there,
and youll hate that im in your head
I never wanted to fit in any place except your heart
But we grew apart
Now rainy days are all i have
And i keep dreaming in the past
A whole new day.
A fresh new start.
Forget it ever happened for good things fell apart.
But now that he's not in my life,
every little thing I see has lost it's shine
Sometimes you have to test someone,not because you dont trust them but to see how much theyll sacrafice for you,and sometimes you have to let them go not bc you dont care but to see if they care enough to come back
I believe that everything happens for a reason,people change so that you can learn to let go things go wrong so you can appreciate them when their right and sometimes good things fall apart so better things fall into place
And everytime you tell her shes the best thing thats happened to you,
just remember who you used to say that to!
Dont let this fall apart cause when it does all you have left is a broken heart
I wont forget a word you said that nigth things went bad but im not going anywhere and thats a promise
Do you remeber how i carried your heart
and i carried it far!
You did a number on me and a fantastic job.
Some times it takes a second to sink in
That your life will never gonna be the same again
Breathe in, breathe out, it'll be okay
Breathe in, they say the pain will fade away
Cause no matter how far the view,
i still always look up to you<3
I miss the way you shake in my arms when you laugh<3
I'm sick of loving you too much to walk away. So break my heart ? && Make it easier for me to leave. This time , if you want me in your life. You gotta find a way to put me there.
So I'll just smile and rearrange everyday, so you can build a better place saving face, I understand that you don't care you're unaware, that you crushed me.
How could I trust anyone everyone, how could I feel anything my everything, this pain alone it hurts to bad I understand, that you're life changed.
It just so turns out that my way of dealing with things isn't exactly normal. I don't talk with my friends about it, I don't talk to the person I'm angry with, and I most certainly do not indulge in a carton of chocolate ice cream... Honest..
The saddest kind of sad is the sad that tries not to be sad. You know, when sad tries to bite its lip and not cry and smile and go, 'no, I'm happy for you"? That's when it's really sad.
~The Truth Has To Travel To Far From My Head To My Heart~
Thought the love I had for you would not die but now you're fading away from my memory and I dare not cry
I'm sorry for everything I made you go through.
I now realize how much you really loved me.
But, I guess I realized way too late. . .
I was very sorry when I found out that your intentions were good and not what I supposed they were.
I felt ashamed for what I had done. I don't have any excuses. I did what I did. I take full responsibility for myself and my actions. I wouldn't pawn this off on anybody. I'm sorry it happened. And I hurt people
I sort of feel sorry for the next man who gets me. I may just kill him with passion. He'd better be strong and have a good heart!
Is it that hard, to give me away ?
Can you sleep at night ?
Did you think that I was gonna be alright ?
Pushed out of your life... -Maria
This is goodbye to love that had died dont say that you tried to make this right. Here's to new days to life that can change to those who know hearts will bend and not break.
Here's to better days.
Cause I won't try to change who I am and if that means our end
Well then the lights go down
across this worn out town
I'll say goodbye to an old friend
You're taking pictures of all
of our times
so we remember our lives
when we change
I only hope that you will to forget
how our lives could have worked if I changed
You were never enough in the first place, I should have known, right from the first taste, that everything you heard about me was wrong. So lets go back, to where we belong, cuz we lost track, we got this all wrong,
We lived the high life, it was fast and so free, but time changed everyone, and it included me. So our lives changed, just liked the seasons do, I should have left then, but I still love you.
And so the times change, just like the seasons do, I should have left then, couldn't get over you.
You always make it hurt somehow
its killing me to see you now
if all of our lives we lived for one day, those 2 years I lived were seconds that wasted away
Lets start at the ending on the 10th and cold
i was so dam in love you were letting go
with your eyes closed, you let me know
i was your life before but now you'll let me go
Full of heart break, and heart ache, and learning to lose,
with my eyes closed, I moved on real slow
you were my life for so long
now i'll let you go
Im a hopeless romantic
with a knack for getting burned
im a hopeless romantic
call it a lesson learned<3
Waking up to a cloudy morning
The world still feels the same
Not one miss call
Or a text from your name... :(
&& he shows no sign of us ever getting back together but im still hoping, wishing, praying he changes his mind.....
Every night the same thing...I don't know what to do anymore, why does loving someone has to be hard?
Say you love me or say good bye I am tired of wishing on the stars in the sky so say you love me or say good bye.
I looked at you and said "i can't do this anymore you are my everything the love of my life, I can't picture my life without you but, if i fall and you don't catch me, I don't think i'll beable to get back up"
I'm with him but really everyday i think about you.
by Justyce
Set her free or set yourself free?
by Louis Mesa
So.. You've been ignoring me because you have a girlfriend after saying nothing would change and you still think we're bestfriends. Fuhk off.
It was like our own little war,
a notebook love,where ones gone,
and the other loves them even more.
Why'd you have to go,and mess this all up?
what made you think it was okay to hurt me?
couldnt you just have let it be?
Sitting here 1000 miles away watching the fireworks thinking of you, wondering if maybe you were thinking of me too!
But the lovers that leave us will ALWAYS hold a place!
Between you and i,i still keep your pictures undearneath my bed,where you gave yourself to me,where i gave myself to you<3
And since were being honest i think i should tell you,ive been filling up the empty space between you and i,but he could never compare to you<3
Maybe its all for the best,but i just dont see any good in this<3
& shess willinqq tuh qivee HiM her ALL ; evenn whenn she hass nothinq left tuh qivee .
This relationship has came to a halt, there's no moving on, this love is over.
There's so many things I want to say to you, but time's caught up && now I'll never say them..
Except that I've loved you from the moment I
saw you, && every moment since...
&& I don't want to be your second choice..
I don't want to be a substitute for her..
I want to be the drug that makes your heart beat faster..
Just kiss me one last time,
So then, I can remember how it felt..
When the world made sense..
I will hide my broken heart beneath a laughing face.
&& Though you'll think I never cared, no one else can take your place.
I dont love you anymore...i guess thats why i gave up
& even thou i knew from the beginning that id probaly get hurt, i wanted to believe in yuu, to open my heart up again. now here I am with tears down my cheeks watching yuu smile with someone else by yur side
So why do yuu get to have those butterflies feeling again and i get numb heart ? im not jealous of yur ability to fall in love, im hurt that it's not with me anymore ..
I like when you get mad at me.Not cause its fun making you upset,but cause its my only way to keep believeing that you still care about me;That your heart hurts like mine did;That God is doing the right thing by returning the pain that you once gave me.
"Dreamed we were still going out.
Had that one a few times now.
Woke up to find we were not.
It's good to be awake."
I can't stand the thought of how you left me just standing there alone with no answer. You tore me down to absolutely nothing and smiled when my pain showed through, like I was some pathetic sick game you just won.
Because even though all i want is for you to be happy, i can't stop crying. my heart really hurts ..
You're still here and I'm amazed. I'm not a victim, I victimize. Tell me you love me, but there's hate in your eyes
& the worst part was that yuu promised, and i believed yuu ..
You see i've been broken by everyone else and this good guy comes along and i know i cant love him because i don't have a pecie of my heart to give him...
Can you still love me with all these bruises...?
If I turn around as I walk away,
And say "I Love You".
Would you look at me once again,
With eyes that say Love and Honesty instead of Hate and Betrayal?
Im done pouring my heart out 2 some1 getting let down in the end,Everytime i think i got myself picked up again,i get thrown back down into the skarks.Im done with love,i always been afriaid of dieing alone,but im gonna stand my ground & face my fear
I'm fine. I mean, not that I'm over it, but little by little it's getting easier to pretend it's easier, which means easier might be right around the corner.
He's the reason I'm messed up. the reason I can't get myself into another
relationship, no matter how hard I try, no matter how bad I want to, I'm
scared. I'm scared of hurting someone else. Because I could never love
anyone the way I love him.
I feel so stupid for missing you.
Check out my poems and try to comment thanks
Because " i miss yuu " still slips from my lips without me noticing it ..
I know what i've done, and i don't regret anything. You where worth every mistake�
Watching the crying sky brings back a lot of memories...
Too bad, not many of them are happy ones..
If he could love me... then maybe someone else can too
What's on your mind?...
Heartbroken, and not knowing how to deal with it.
Here comes the big punch line I've been dying to give. I don't really need you like I used to, and you can walk out that door and pretend we never happened. It'll all be the same but you'll be the coward. You were the one always looking for a way out.
A little higher and we're well away. The dark nights are drawing in and your humor is as black as them. I look at yours, you laugh at mine and love is just a miserable lie.
Too many nights that i still remember with you, all the dreams that we had and every wish that never came true, and everything that im thankful for.. its got nothin to do with you
Maybe one day I will trust you with the truth again.
I miss staring into those green eyes,
and not being able to breath,
and every gentle kiss,and cold hands to hold.
i miss having you here with me,
were you should be!
And every word you dont say,
makes the pain worse each and every day!
You swore i was perfect,
everything i did that wasnt perfect,
every sound i made,smile i faked,
and yet none of that changed?
Heaven help the fool who did her wrong,
its too late,too bad shes too far gone,
he should have thought of that before he left her all alone.!<3
Promise me, that when you let me down, let me down gently.
So thank you for your time,
and try not to waste anymore of mine<3
We drink and we fight,
and love just because,
were young<3
Its hard to believe how much i did for you,
everyone knew how much i adored you<3
Its not like im even playing "hard to get", but you could at least put in some effort.
by sexyCheckers
Sometimes you love something so much that it hurts to leave it, but you must. Sometimes it hurts too much to hold on to that thing you love. And sometimes you let go of what you love because it hurts, but then just sometimes... you get it back and live happily ever after.
* * * * * * * * *
Why do people have to lose things to find out what they really mean?
* * * * * * * * *
When you are in love and you get hurt, it’s like a cut... it will heal, but there will always be a scar.
* * * * * * * * *
May God put a spell on you... so you won’t forget me.
* * * * * * * * *
Whenever I cried he would always make me feel like he would change the world if he could so it couldn't hurt me anymore. But now I’m crying and he's not here
* * * * * * * * *.
You can close your eyes to things you don’t want to see, but you can’t close your heart to things you don’t want to feel.
* * * * * * * * *.
When I see you smile and know that it is not for me, that is when I will miss you the most.
* * * * * * * * *
When you said forever, you meant a few months. When I said forever, I meant every day until I died. When you said always, you meant until you couldn't handle it anymore. When I said always, I meant until time ended. When you said you loved me, you meant I was no different from any other girl. When I said I loved you, I meant I had never felt what I felt for you.
* * * * * * * * *
was never one to patiently pick up broken fragments and glue them together again and tell myself that the mended whole was as good as new. What is broken is broken -- and I'd rather remember it as it was at its best than mend it and see the broken places as long as I lived. unknown sad love quotes
* * * * * * * * *.
With you my heart will always stay. With you my thoughts will be every day. You remain to be the one that I regret letting get away. Why didn't I say what I needed to say? You are the one I will always use my wishes on. You are the one I will always wish was never gone. I'll constantly wonder what went wrong. I'll forever think of what I could've did that was never done.
* * * * * * * * *
I don't miss him, I miss who I thought he was
* * * * * * * * *
I miss you a little, I guess you could say, a little too much, a little too often, and a little more each day
* * * * * * * * *.
There's this place in me where your finger prints still rest... your kisses still linger and your whispers softly echo... It's the place where a part of you will forever be a part of me
* * * * * * * * *
A teardrop is insignificant in a pool of water, but it can touch the soul as it runs down someone’s face.
* * * * * * * * *
I wish I had the guts to walk away and forget about what we had. But, I can’t because I know you won't come after me, and I guess that's what hurts the most.
* * * * * * * * *
You hurt me once... shame on you. You hurt me twice... shame on me.
* * * * * * * * *
True love? I used to believe it existed, but when you’ve had your heart torn out and thrown on the floor, you just don’t care anymore. . Ask me why I keep on loving
* * * * * * * * *
when It's clear that you don't feel the same way for me... the problem is that as much as I can't force you to love me, I can't force myself to stop loving you.
* * * * * * * * *
. When you remember how hard it is to change yourself, you begin to understand what little chance we have of changing others.
* * * * * * * * *
Someone can walk into your life and it is not until after they walk out that you realize that they were even there
* * * * * * * * *.
Love can tear you apart... it can kill you. But if you’re lucky, it can put you back together.
* * * * * * * * *
It hurts to see you walk away. For admit it or not, you were an important part of my life and the time we shared will forever be a part of me. So even though I realize that it was never meant to be, still, it hurts.
* * * * * * * * *
You have been the treasure in my hand. You have been the one who always stood beside me. So unaware, I foolishly believed that you would always be there. But then there will come a day, when I will turn my head and you will slip away.
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I hate you...and then I love you...it's like I want to throw you off a cliff....then rush to the bottom to catch you
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For all sad words of tongue and pen, the saddest are those "it might have been
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I’ve seen fire and I’ve seen rain. I’ve seen sunny days that I thought would never end. I’ve seen lonely times when I could not find a friend, but I always thought that I’d see you again.
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Oh, I shouldn’t care or wonder where and how you are. But I can’t hide this hurt inside my broken heart. I’m fighting back emotions that I’ve never fought before, ‘cause I’m not supposed to love you anymore.
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It hurts the most when you can actually feel your heart breaking.
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I can’t cry hard enough for you to hear me.
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The tears I wish to wipe away, will run unchecked for another day. Alas, that is the price I pay.
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No, I can’t erase the wrong I’ve done but I hope you can give me another chance. Because if you were me, you would want the same and I’d give that chance to you.
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You love to hate the one who loves the one you hate to love.
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Even if my heart should call out your name in the rain. Even if these arms should want to embrace you again. And even if I’m all cried out and no longer in pain... I’ll never fall in love that way again.
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Once upon a time I was falling in love, but now I’m only falling apart. - "Total Eclipse of the Heart
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I could fill a thousand pages telling you how I felt and still you would not understand. So now I leave without a sound, except that of my heart shattering as it hits the ground.
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We are never so defenseless against suffering as when we love. .
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The ones that you love the most are usually the ones that hurt you the most.

famous sad love quotes
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