The view from my sitting room at 7.30pm this evening. You can't see it here but it's absolutely pouring with rain. It's been raining relentlessly all day long.
Firstly, I must apologise for being such a rubbish blogger. There was a time when I was posting once, sometimes twice a day but at the moment I've managed one a week at most. I've had too much on to be able to give it the time I'd like recently. I've really missed catching up with everyone. I'm still going to have a good go!
I've had to take on a few jobs as money's tight at the moment. Mostly I've been doing interior stuff - finding special pieces, shopping and dressing houses for sale. All jobs I love doing, thankfully.
My house has been neglected - I have a mountain of washing to do this evening and friends staying on Friday so I need to get rooms ready etc. My great friend Dom is coming early, he's an electrician and hopefully he'll sort me out as I have no lights working in the bathroom, hall, wardrobe or garden! There are odd lamps on extension leads which I'm sure are illegal, we've just got used to tinkering about with switches and things. I'm cooking them all a big slap up dinner in the evening, it makes a change for me to cook.
It's The Actor's Birthday on Saturday. I want to buy him an iPad (he won't read this) but I don't have enough money yet, I'll have to put a picture in his card until I can get him one.
There have been a few spontaneous evenings - we've popped round to friend's and before we know it we've been up all night. We all get too over excited to see each other and don't seem to be able to have a quiet drink EVER. Not that I'm complaining but it takes so much longer to get over these days. At least we have fun, if we didn't we'd go to bed, which reminds me of this quote -
"No one looks back on their life and remembers
the nights they got plenty of sleep"
Photography by Alfred Eisenstaedt
Sophia Loren and Carlo Ponti
I love this picture. I'd be quite happy to stay in bed for a few days as I'm stupidly tired. We're not going on holiday now as The Actor has landed another job, it's a very good one and the script is hilarious so I shouldn't moan. We'll have to wait until the end of September to go away now. In a way it's good for me as I haven't saved a bean.
I'm going to try and go to bed early and watch Celebrity Big Brother - I know... you just have to though!
I hope all my wonderful friends are good. I shall visit you very soon I promise. Also thanks so much to my new followers, please drop me a comment to remind me to come and see you.
Much love, Christina xxx

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